产品描述:产品特点 本产品加热干燥介质有蒸汽、电、远红外、蒸汽电两用,等多种选择。 本产品可根据客户要求设计满足要求的非标准型号。 该系列产品的所有附属产品可全部配齐。 更新后的该系列产品控制面板有触摸式和按钮式两种选择,操作简便,使用寿命更长。 特殊的密封和内循环系统,有效地提高了热量利用率,更节约能源。 更新的该产品噪音更小,安装维修更简便。
品型号 CT-C-0 CT-C-Ⅰ CT-C-Ⅱ CT-C-Ⅲ CT-C-Ⅳ
蒸发面积m² 7.1 14.1 28.3 42.4 56.5
有效容积m³ 1.15 2.3 - - -
生产力Kg/批 - - - - -
耗蒸汽量Kg/h - - - -
Electricity: Electricity: Electricity: Electricity:
Electrification of the Electric Power System in the United States.
The Electrification of the Electric Power System in the United States.
The Electrification of the Electric Power System in the United States.
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The data provided is for informational purposes only and should not be used as a basis for any business decision or investment advice.
The information contained in this article is accurate to the best of our knowledge, but we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness.
Please note that all products sold by us are brand new and have never been used before.
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