《中国粵港澳大灣區改革創新報告(2024)》分為七個部分:總報告、體制融合篇、地區發展篇、產業協同篇、數字經濟篇、科技創新篇和投資建設篇。這份报告汇集了高端專家們最新研究成果,对於理解 粵港澳大灣區經濟社會運行狀況和相關分析預測具有重要價值。
研討會上,專家學者深入剖析黨的二十屆三中全會精神,並就粵港澳大灣區的長期穩定發展提出了一系列建議。they stressed that the spirit of the 20th Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee, particularly on "optimizing regional opening-up layout" and "promoting high-level opening-up," provides important guidance for the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Experts emphasized that it is essential to study and implement these guidelines, firmly grasp the new position of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area as a strategic fulcrum for China's new development paradigm, a model area for high-quality development, and a leading area for Chinese modernization.
According to China's Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area Reform Innovation Report (2024), in 2023, despite facing multiple challenges, the region achieved economic recovery growth with a total economic volume exceeding RMB 14 trillion. The nine cities in Guangzhou witnessed steady growth in fixed-asset investment; Hong Kong and Macau quickly recovered; consumption across the region fully rebounded; trade maintained resilience amid weak external demand; and fiscal revenue increased due to economic recovery.
Looking ahead to 2024, global economies are expected to enter a new cycle. As China's economy has gone through waves of development and ups-and-downs during its recovery process, it is anticipated that GDP growth will gradually converge towards potential levels. The region's foreign trade is likely to recover steadily while domestic demand will continue strengthening. Infrastructure construction and manufacturing investments will drive sustained investment growth.
However, exports may still face various risks. To mitigate these risks, experts suggest accelerating efforts to build an international-first business environment in the GBGDA; stabilizing foreign demand by promoting high-level opening-up; expanding domestic consumption by enhancing confidence among residents and encouraging effective investments; as well as advancing financial openness innovation reforms.
This event not only celebrated achievements but also laid out blueprints for future progress – one filled with optimism about what can be accomplished when collective wisdom meets shared goals under Party leadership.