尽管销售额未能达到预期,但面板价格的下降给国内厂商带来了巨大的利好,因为这极大地扩展了他们的利润空间,从而推动业绩的大幅提升。此外,随着市场饱和 Domestic TV manufacturers are turning their attention to the overseas market for further growth.
今年上半年,TCL海外液晶电视销量达828万台远超国内489万台,其海外业务收入增幅达到45.3%。康佳集团董事长常东表示,在 Domestic market approaching saturation, the future growth potential lies in overseas markets, with a 30%-40% increase in overseas revenue for the company during the first half of this year.
Although domestic television industry has achieved positive results and there is room for optimism in the international market, challenges persist as well.The sales boost brought by World Cup has passed and competition will intensify with Huawei's entry into the market while internet giants eyeing opportunities too, it can be anticipated that TV industry competition will escalate into a global battle for living rooms space.