“CPC1822是一个具有开关电路的单片太阳能电池的光伏串。在阳光或明亮人工光的环境下,其光的能量可以激活电池单元阵列,并在输出端产生一个电压。 ” DATASHEET The CPC1822 is a monolithic photovoltaic string of solar cells with switching circuitry. When operating in sunlight or a bright artificial light environment the optical energy will activate the cell array and generate a voltage at the output. The solar cells are capable of generating a floating source voltage and current sufficient to drive and power CMOS ICs, logic gates and/or provide “trickle charge” for battery applications. Features 4V Output Triggers with Natural Sunlight Provides True Wireless Power No EMI/RFI Generation Wave Solderable Replacement of Discrete Components Solid State Reliability Small 8-Pin Surface Mount SOIC