首页 > 市场 > 技术创新驱动实体经济中国智能制造2025的关键要素







通过这一规划,不仅能够促进生产力增长,更能提高产品质量和竞争力,同时还将有助于解决资源环境压力,大大减少废弃物产生,从而实现绿色发展。同时,这也为我国成为世界先进 manufacturing 大国提供了强劲推动力。


1. 加强研发投入


2. 强调开放合作

只有与国际接轨,与其他国家及地区进行深度合作,我们才能快速掌握先进技术并保持竞争优势。因此,《中国智能manufacturing_1]ing 2025》鼓励企业参与国际标准制定,与海外知名企业开展合作项目。

3. 推广应用示范工程

通过建设一批典型性的应用示范工程,可以帮助行业落地生根,使得新兴材料、新工艺、新设备等新技术得到充分验证和运用。此举不仅提升了整体效率,也增强了市场信心,是推进《中国smart manufacturing_1]ing 2025》的重要路径之一。

三、《China Smart Manufacturing Plan of Action for Industry_

_Industry and Information Technology Ministry of China, released in May 2016.

Three Key Elements:

A. Strengthen the Core Competitiveness of Industries

To achieve this goal, we need to focus on the key sectors such as high-end equipment, new materials, advanced information technology and biotechnology etc., enhancing their technological innovation capabilities through strategic reorganization and integration with other industries.

B. Promote Technological Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Encourage entrepreneurship by providing favorable policies for start-ups and small-medium enterprises (SMEs) in smart manufacturing sector; enhance research capacity through university-industry collaboration; create a supportive environment that fosters innovation and promotes the development of high-tech industries.

C. Build an Open Platform for International Cooperation

Promote international cooperation by participating in global industrial standards setting; establish bilateral or multilateral agreements with foreign governments to facilitate investment promotion; encourage Chinese companies to participate in international competition under fair conditions.


In conclusion, "China Smart Manufacturing" is not just another plan but a comprehensive strategy aiming at transforming traditional manufacturing into intelligent one by leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as IoT (Internet of Things), AI (Artificial Intelligence), Big Data Analytics etc., thereby improving productivity efficiency while reducing costs and environmental impact.

This roadmap also highlights the importance of strengthening core competitiveness across various sectors, promoting technological innovation & entrepreneurship within these areas while fostering open platforms for international cooperation.

By implementing these measures effectively will certainly enable us to maintain our competitive edge globally whilst creating more value-added products contributing significantly towards sustainable economic growth.

As always it's imperative that all stakeholders come together hand-in-hand working towards common goals like never before – making sure that “Smart Factory” becomes synonymous with China!



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