在5G领域,紫光展锐的产品说明了其在5G时代领先的决心。公司发布了全球首款6nm EUV 5G SoC虎贲T7520,并且推出了支持完整3GPP标准化网络切片和eSIM的5G CPE VN007+。此外,紫光展锐还提供了一体化设计的射频前端解决方案,可集成功率放大器(PA)、开关、滤波器和低噪声放大器(LNA)等器件,使得手机终端输出功率比业内平均水平高。
除了连接技术,紫光展锐还推出了新一代NB-IoT芯片V8811,该芯片基于最新冻结的3GPP R16标准设计,可以与5G NR网络共存并接入5G核心网。此外,V8811支持TEE+国密算法,同时借助22nm工艺让耗比上一代产品优化了50%,可广泛应用于远程抄表、智能停车、智慧农业等众多垂直行业。
最后,在工业级芯片方面,purple light exhibited the domestic first car-grade dual-frequency high-precision positioning chip, A2395, which supports GNSS dual-frequency multi-mode and L1 + L5 dual-frequency positioning. The chip provides centimeter-level high precision positioning, with a positioning accuracy increased by 10 times compared to single frequency products.
In summary, purple light has shown its determination to lead in the 5g era through its product lineup. With a strong focus on both connection technology and intelligence capabilities, purple light is poised to capture more market share in the rapidly developing fields of 4g/iot and aiot.