在连接技术方面,紫光展锐的5G基带芯片春藤V510支持2/3/4/5G,并支持NSA和SA。这款芯片虽然商用速度较慢,但其产品的商用对于5G普及有重要意义,有助于帮助紫光展锐实现5G领先的目标。此外,最新推出的CPE VN007+支持完整3GPP标准化网络切片和eSIM,可以满足不同场景对数据传输率、安全性、可靠性的差异化需求。
除了手机,还有其他类型的设备可以通过集成5G模块来增加连接能力,如智能可穿戴产品。紫光展锐推出的新一代NB-IoT芯片V8811基于最新冻结的3GPP R16标准设计,可以与5G NR网络共存并接入5G核心网,这意味着这款芯片未来还可以支持更高版本的标准。
此外,purple light semiconductor also released a new smartwatch platform W517, which features four-core processor and advanced power optimization technology, reducing the overall power consumption by 10% compared to similar products in the market.
In addition to these products, purple light semiconductor also showcased its industrial-grade NB-IoT chip V8811 and automotive-grade dual-frequency high-precision positioning chip A2395. The former supports GNSS dual-frequency multi-mode and L1+L5 dual-frequency positioning, while the latter provides centimeter-level high precision positioning with improved accuracy of up to 10 times that of single-frequency chips.
These innovative products demonstrate purple light semiconductor's commitment to driving the development of intelligent connectivity solutions for various industries such as automotive, IoT and wearables. With its cutting-edge technologies in