首页 > 市场 > 反渗透膜厂家排名难道不是多功能超纯水系统的最佳选择吗



二:超纯水机分类:高纯水机按水机的产水水质纯度分可分为三类:第一类:一般纯度,电导率 10us/cm 以下,符合国家试验室用water要求。第二类:中等purety pure water,电导率 1us/cm 以下,符合国家experiment lab二级use要求。第三class: high purity type,电导率 10-18.2MΩ.cm,满足国家试验室一级use要求.

工艺流程:(定制standard machine)source water——first level dense 5 micro meter PPF filter——second level CTO precise activated carbon filter——quiet high pressure water pump——RO reverse osmosis membrane filter——multi-level pure water column——ultra pure water. Pure Water Preparation Method Comparison: Traditional deionization equipment methods are distillation, ion exchange and electrodialysis. Ultra-pure Water Equipment combines electrodialysis and ion exchange methods for a new deionization method. Compared to traditional deionization methods, it consumes less electricity and occupies less space with lower investment costs and easier use without the need for specialized installation personnel.

Only connect the input/output ports and drain port. The device's configuration is complete; you can directly connect it to tap water for use. The ultra-pure Water Equipment has a wide range of applications; raw water can be groundwater or tap water or purified or distilled water from any source.

The cost of ultra-pure Water is not more than $0.04 per liter (USD). This truly saves you money and hassle! Ultra-Pure Water Equipment comes with free one-year warranty (excluding consumable filters), professional customization service commitment to your satisfaction rate of 100%. Usage includes:

Micro-quantity inorganic analysis

Molecular biology experiments

Drug development

Cell culture

Environmental analysis

Traces analysis; TOC analysis;

Medical testing;

Gene research;

Chemical Analysis;

Buffer solution preparation; Standard liquid preparation;

For laboratory super-pure-water systems:

Ordinary analytical experiments,

Standard solutions preparation,

Culture medium production,

Molecular experiments,

Micro-elemental analyses,

Atomic absorption spectroscopy,

Fluorescence spectrophotometry,

Liquid chromatography;

Electrochemical applications;


High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)

Mass Spectrometry (MS)



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