首页 > 智能化方案 > 主题我都知道的QQ最新资讯群聊新功能大揭秘


你知道吗,QQ lately has been updating its features left and right, and I'm here to give you the lowdown on what's new. From group chat upgrades to improved security measures, there's a lot to unpack. So grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let me tell you all about it.

First off, have you noticed how much easier it is to manage your groups? That's because QQ has introduced a slew of new features designed to make group chats more efficient. For one thing, they've added the ability to mute notifications for specific messages or topics within a group. This means that if someone starts talking about something you're not interested in (hello cat videos!), you can silence them without having to leave the conversation altogether.

But wait – there's more! You can now also set custom notification sounds for individual contacts within your groups. No longer will you be caught off guard by an unexpected @mention; with these new sounds, you'll know exactly who needs your attention at any given time.

And speaking of attention-grabbing notifications... did someone say "AI-generated chatbots"? That's right – QQ has just rolled out support for AI-powered chatbots in its messaging app! These clever bots are capable of understanding natural language input and responding accordingly (within reason), making them perfect for tasks like scheduling appointments or sending reminders.

Of course no discussion of updates would be complete without mentioning security improvements. As we all know too well from past experiences with online platforms gone awry: safety first!

In this regard QQ hasn't skimped either; their latest update includes enhanced encryption methods which ensure that even when information is shared between users or servers across different networks (e.g., during video calls), it remains protected against prying eyes and ears alike!

Last but certainly not least comes another exciting feature: personalized avatars! Users now have access to hundreds upon thousands of customizable characters & outfits that allow us each express our unique selves through visual representation while chatting - think emojis🤖 but way cooler 😎

So there we have it folks—this summary covers some major highlights from recent updates made available by Tencent’s popular instant messaging platform known as WeChat / WhatsApp 📱💬 What do YOU think? Are these changes helpful? Do they make using ChatGPT feel less lonely? Share YOUR thoughts below 👇



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