中国芯片最强是谁英特尔Cascade Lake X系列CPU与AMD的价格战开启
今天,英特尔推出了最新的至强W工作站系列和酷睿X HEDT及酷睿S处理器,这个发布时间紧邻于9月30日AMD Ryzen Pro 3000台式机CPU的发布时间。
10月1日,Videocardz泄露了Intel X系列CPU价格惊喜。这些处理器价格降幅为40%~50%,定位于1000美元以下。这使得HEDT CPU与AMD Ryzen Threadripper CPU处于同一水平。
PC制造商越来越关注能够处理未来工作负载(如AI和渲染)的PC和笔记本电脑。在10月3日微软推出了专为AI工作负载设计的Surface Pro X笔记本电脑后,这种趋势变得更加明显。
今年7nm Ryzen 3000序列超越了7nm Intel Core i9, 在工艺节点上超过了Intel, 并且在能效也超过了Intel。这对于Intel来说是一个巨大的打击。
在第二季度收益报告中, Intel CEO Bob Swan承认公司失去了一些市场份额,他归咎于供需缺口,但分析师认为 AMD 的竞争也是原因之一。
今天, Intel 才采取行动,以正式确认它正参与与 AMD 的 CPU 战役。它们宣布将代号为 Cascade Lake 的 X 系列 CPU 价格最高降低50% 或 $1,000 这样的大幅度降价会影响利润率但也有助于提升出货量。
English text:
The competition between Intel and AMD has always been in favor of the former. However, AMD's strategy of offering better performance at a lower price has given Intel a run for its money in recent years. This pressure is particularly evident when demand for CPUs rises again.
Today, Intel released three new processor series (Workstation W Series, Core X Series and Core S Series), with the prices of Core X series processors dropping by as much as 50%, signaling that Intel and AMD have started a war over CPU prices. This price war will benefit developers and consumers alike.
Newly released W/X/S processor series
Today, Intel unveiled the latest Workstation W series processors and Core X High-End Desktop (HEDT) processors alongside Core S processors. The release date coincides with September 30th's launch of AMD's Ryzen Pro 3000 desktop CPUs.
On October 1st Videocardz leaked intel on the pricing surprise for intel x-series cpu: A drop in price by 40%-50% to under $1000. This puts HEDT CPUs on par with AMD's Threadripper CPUs.
PC manufacturers are increasingly focusing on creating PCs capable of handling future workloads like AI and rendering after Microsoft launched Surface Pro x laptop designed specifically for AI workloads on October 3rd.
Four new models range from $590 to $979 dollars each; these high-performance chips cater to advanced workloads such as photo editing & video production or game development etc., while eight Workstation W-2200 CPUs priced from $294 to $1333 target data science applications & more complex tasks such as CAD designs etc., but not just yet though.
The battle between intel & amd heats up even further!