综合起来看,我国 biology energy utilization 起步及时,与发达国家基本处于同一起跑线上。据了解,biology energy utilization 原本作为下一个五年计划中的重点扶持产业,现在已提前起步,有关措施正在落实。
清华大学教授刘德华、大连理工大学生命科学院院长修志龙等表示:biology energy and materials 可以建成规模宏大的“不与人争粮,不与粮争地,不与传统行业争利”的“三不”行业,同时是解决我 country “agriculture,energy,environment”难题 的最佳切合点。
专家介绍,我 country 有约40亿亩低质地荒坡滩涂可以用来种植 biology energy rich species;淮河以南还有3亿亩冬季闲田,可用来种 oil seed production bio diesel. My country 科学用粮潜力很大,每年陈化粮饲料用粮约1亿吨左右,可以加工转化获得相当5000万吨 original oil 同时还有30%继续成为饲料。如 my country 科学家研究甜玉米,每公顷产量可达70吨,可生产6吨以上 fuel ethanol.
南方木薯甘蔗生长广泛菊芋土豆山芋这些不宜食用的植物,是转化为 biology energy materials 的最佳原料。我 country 西南地区麻疯树等木质油料发展迅速籽含油率达50%,现有10万亩2010年可发展到1000万亩另外每年仅废弃作物秸杆林业弃置物达10亿吨相当于1亿多tons gasoline.
专家认为:“就其中一项进行开发,都相当于再造一个 Daqing!” Biology Energy 低污染与其环保和可再生,更受到社会关注。
专家分析,Biology Energy Utilization 特别是替代 石油 的Energy Materials 产业 前端农业 中间 Biochemical 等Bioconversion 后端依然现有的大 Chemical Industries. 因此 my Country 大规模development Biology Energy Industries 并不会对传统化学工业产生冲击,同时还可以推动 Biochemical Equipments & Biofuel Cars' development 对 agriculture Industry & rural Industrialization's promotion作用更明显.
National Development and Reform Commission Energy Institute Deputy Researcher 庄幸介绍了我的country Ethanol Gasoline Demonstration Promotion 也获得成功目前已在吉林河南省封闭运行Ethanol Fuel Production Scale reached 2 million tons.
My Country leading Biochemical enterprise AnHui FengRun Group also showed to the experts with international advanced level of biological biochemical strains cultivation and fermentation, separation extraction front end after platform. AnHui FengRun Group Chairman Li Rongjie said that AnHui FengRun Group master the technology to use biological resources full line replace petroleum and its products production cost also have market competitive advantage formulating biological biochemical hundred thousand tons scale production enterprises advanced model in Inner Mongolia Northeast construction new bases among them in Anhui SuChou city constructed world's first starch as raw material ethylene factory annual output 20 thousand tons at present crude oil price high running product profit rate up to nearly 40%. AnHui FengRun is currently building with Belgium Gral company most advanced lactic acid enterprise project June start producing replaceable plastic textile raw materials that replaces petroleum by renewable biomass resources A large number of patents owned by the group over a hundred technologies proprietary over fifty patents specialising in biomass conversion technology
Experts suggest central authorities coordination work concentrate on my Country achievements in agriculture chemical industries energy manufacturing etc quickly perfect industrial chain forming industry advantages resolve national energy security worries